NHS Grampian – For Parents of S3 Pupils

A booster dose of Tetanus, Diphtheria & Polio vaccine along with Meninigitis ACWY is offered to all pupils in S3 in Scotland. Arrangements are in place for your child to be given these vaccines at school on Wednesday 28th April If you wish your child to be vaccinated please contact Caroline Oxley caroline.oxley1@nhs.scot 

Please respond by Thursday 22nd April at the very latest with the following information - Child’s Name, DOB, School and a contact number.  

(If your child has had previous immunisations outwith Scotland please attached a copy of this information).      

It is important that despite the COVID 19 pandemic your child is still vaccinated against Tetanus, Diphtheria & Polio along with Meninigitis ACWY. 

For more information please visit NHS Inform at https://www.nhsinform.scot/immunisations   

4 thoughts on “NHS Grampian – For Parents of S3 Pupils”

  1. Why have parents to monitor the School web address for notifications.

    Were is the letter for consent for pupils to receive or take part in vaccinations or activities.
    The school needs to contact parents directly without using our children who might not pass on he information needed.

    1. Parents of S3 pupils were sent a Groupcall when this letter went online and a second reminder Groupcall last week. If you did not receive these please contact the school office to check we have the correct contact information for you.

  2. Hi,
    I completed the instructions on this letter albeit a day late and have not yet has a response. Was I too late or have appointments not been given as yet?

    1. Good afternoon,

      The information completed went directly to NHS Grampian. Immunisations have taken place in school, if your child did not receive this please contact your GP to arrange this. We don’t have any further information as this was all handled by NHS Grampian.

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