Wider Achievement

It is important to recognise and support our young people’s achievements. It can help to develop their confidence and motivation for learning. It can also help them to reflect on their learning and plan appropriate next steps.
Many young people get formal qualifications at school. However learning also takes place outside the classroom, at home and in the wider community.
Achievement covers learning in other areas of the life of the school, and in the variety of activities children and young people are involved in, for example:
•Hobbies and interests, such as participating in a sport
•Youth work
•Caring for a relative
•Activities they undertake in the life of the school, such as Eco Schools or Buddying
•Recognised awards or programmes, such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award or John Muir Award.
To record your childs successes and achievements please complete this form.
Mr C Kerry Acting Principal Teacher
Learn to Learn (S1’s) – School Closure Work
S1’s work is posted on your Learn to Learn Google classrooms.
You will visit Lochter Activity Centre and take part in outdoor activities.
Your poster needs to include:
1. Information about the activity centre.
2. What activities are offered and which ones you would like to take part in.
3. How you think you will feel about taking part in your chosen activities.Remember your poster can be completed on docs,slides or on paper. Just make sure it is colourful and engaging to the reader!
Important Links:
1. http://www.lochter.co.uk/activities.php
2. http://docs.new/
3. http://slides.new/