School Uniform

Uniform Policy

Junior Phase: S1 – S3

·     White polo shirt (plain or with school badge)

·     Plain white formal shirt or plain white blouse

·     Black sweatshirt with school badge or black cardigan (plain or with the school badge)

·     Plain black trousers, black skirt or thick leggings, NO thin leggings or tracksuit bottoms

·     Pupils can wear shoes, trainers or footwear of any colour

·     Pupils can wear a school blazer and school tie if they choose

Senior Phase: S4 – S6

·     White polo shirt (plain or with school badge)


·     Plain white formal shirt or plain white blouse

·     Black sweatshirt with school badge

·     Plain black trousers, NO thin leggings or tracksuit bottoms

·     Pupils can wear shoes, trainers or footwear of any colour

·     Senior pupils will be expected to wear a black blazer