SQA Exams 2020: Re-Certification

Following the announcement on SQA Exams 2020 by the Deputy First Minister on Tuesday 11 August 2020 our estimated grades have been re-issued to the SQA.

Where grades have been affected candidates will receive updated certificates on 8 September 2020.

Results included in this will cover the following qualifications:

  • All National Courses (National 5 to Advanced Higher)
  • Internally assessed National Courses (National 2 to National 4)
  • Skills for Work Courses
  • National Units (free-standing or contributing to a National Course)
  • Interdisciplinary Projects (free-standing or contributing to a Scottish Baccalaureate)
  • Scottish Baccalaureates
  • Core Skills

Ready, Steady, Study!

Student Advice & Support Team Summer Transition Support Events

The Student Advice & Support Team will be hosting online events throughout July and August for applicants on mainstream courses who have additional support needs, including those who are Care Experienced or are Young Carers, and would benefit from a supported transition to College. We also recognise that the current circumstances and prospective blended learning approach may exacerbate some anxieties and pose new challenges.

Ready, Steady, Study! will allow applicants to meet the Student Advice & Support Team, provide an opportunity to address any queries they have before they begin their course, and provide them with some essential skills in order to ensure their transition is as smooth as possible.

The sessions will include:

  • An opportunity to meet with other applicants and with staff
  • Group exercises, discussions and team working
  • Virtual Campus Tours
  • Introduction to Study Skills
  • Introduction to Money Management
  • And more…

Should you have any applicants, who have either a conditional or full offer to attend College, who you feel would benefit from attending one of our Ready, Steady Study! events and/or meeting with the SAST to discuss their support needs ahead of commencing College, please contact the team via studentadviceandsupport@nescol.ac.uk to discuss further.

Kind regards,
Cara MacKenzie on behalf of the Student Advice & Support Team

School Leavers Webinar

A fun & informative series of short 30 minute webinars to support you with the next steps of your career journey!

We understand everyone is facing challenges just now and your plans may have changed or seem unclear due to the current situation.  We want to let you know we are still here to help and provide you with the career information and guidance you need for your future.

Join our advisers, Hilary & Erin for our first session on Tuesday 2nd June at 3pm as they take a look at:

  • Acknowledging the current situation
  • Looking at the positives
  • What skills could come from this?
  • Understanding how Skills Development Scotland can help you
  • Learn about the future sessions we will be running
  • Some actions & links to resources that you can do yourself
  • You can also get involved through the poll questions and comments

Click the link to join – JOIN CAREERJAM SESSION 1

We hope you can join us!

UDecide Northfield 2020

Do you have an idea that would benefit people living in Northfield, Middlefield, Cummings Park, Heathryfold or Mastrick?

Do you need up to £1500 to put your idea into action?

If the answer is YES, then U DECIDE is the opportunity for you to make your project happen. Return your forms by 1pm Friday 21st February 2020.

Your project should be based within the area and help people feel included in the community by:

• Being a Safe/Child-friendly City

• Supporting Mental Wellbeing

• Combating Food Poverty

• Supporting Young People to a Positive Destination

To receive an application or for more information please contact:

Address: Manor Park Learning Centre, Danestone Circle, ABERDEEN, AB16 7YB

Email: udecidenorthfield@aberdeencity.gov.uk

SCOTLAND’S Big Parents Evening

30th January 2020

5:30 till 8:00

Millenium Copthorne   122 Huntly Street   Aberdeen  AB10 1SU

5.30 – 6.30pm – stand holder networking (finger buffet available)           
6.30 – 7.30pm – speakers     
7.30 – 8.00pm – further networking and questions

An opportunity for parents, carers, influencers and young people to:

  • find out more about the different sectors and jobs in the region
  • explore how these are changing in the future
  • looking at the key skills young people will need for these new roles
  • speak to young people currently participating in foundation, modern and gradate apprenticeships in different organisations
  • find out about the different pathways into employment
  • ask questions and network with a wide range of organisations

The evening will start with a networking session over an evening buffet with a wide range of stand holders.  There will be a number of presentations and videos from:

  • Opportunity North East
  • young people – currently participating in a range of foundation, modern and graduate apprenticeships in the region
  • DYW North East

Parents can book for here for free. All are welcome.