Parental Letter 17/12/21
DyW Update for Pupils/Parents 09/12/21
Christmas Lunch 2021 (14/12 & 15/12)
PArental Letter 17/11/21
NESCol Curriculum Offer 2022-23
Pupils in S3-S6 who are interested in undertaking a NESCol Schools Links course as part of their S4-S6 curriculum should complete the survey giving a 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice from the listed courses by the end of November. Guidance Teachers will discuss this as part of PSE classes. This will allow NESCol, Aberdeen City Council and Northfield Academy to gain an early idea of where course demand will be so that course choices can be matched to demand (where possible) to allow as many pupils as possible to follow their preferred pathway to a positive destination.