Face Coverings in School – From Monday 31/08/20

Please be reminded that following new guidance for pupils and staff on the use of face coverings in school adults and pupils will be expected to wear masks* in the corridors, communal areas and the dining hall (when not eating or drinking) as physical distancing is difficult to maintain in these areas from Monday 31 August 2020.

Where a young person uses public transport to make their way to and from school, as well as, young people who choose to visit local shops during the school day are reminded that masks are mandatory* in these places also also.

In classrooms it is not a requirement for staff and pupils to wear face masks, however, they can continue to wear face coverings in these areas if they wish to. Face coverings will not generally be necessary in the classroom as there is greater scope for physical distancing and face coverings can have an impact on learning and teaching. However it remains the case that where adults cannot keep 2m distance and are interacting face-to-face for a sustained period (about 15 minutes or more), face coverings should be worn.

Face masks will be available for young from the school office for those who do not have. Otherwise, you can create your own using some items around the home using the video below:

* – Masks are mandatory unless their is a medical exception. In which case, please contact your child/ren’s guidance teacher to make us aware.

SQA Exams 2020: Re-Certification

Following the announcement on SQA Exams 2020 by the Deputy First Minister on Tuesday 11 August 2020 our estimated grades have been re-issued to the SQA.

Where grades have been affected candidates will receive updated certificates on 8 September 2020.

Results included in this will cover the following qualifications:

  • All National Courses (National 5 to Advanced Higher)
  • Internally assessed National Courses (National 2 to National 4)
  • Skills for Work Courses
  • National Units (free-standing or contributing to a National Course)
  • Interdisciplinary Projects (free-standing or contributing to a Scottish Baccalaureate)
  • Scottish Baccalaureates
  • Core Skills